Welcome to my website!I am Assistant Professor at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, School of Business and Economics.
My interests lie in the field of experimental economics, behavioural economics and public management. Specifically, I investigate how institutions influence the decision to cooperate or to compete. In many of my studies, I observe groups in an uncertain environment, in which they only dispose of limited channels for coordination. This reflects fundamental structures of the environments we face every day, i.e. situations in which complete contracts are not feasible. Being a social species, humans have a long history of living in groups (tribal clans, families, cities). The complex character of communal society has shaped psychological mechanisms and heuristics to cope with this environment like, e.g. parochial altruism or social identity. In my research I engage with these behavioural theories to better understand modern-day economic and political phenomena like third party punishment or helping behaviour. |